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Cannot Attend The Event, What To Do?

you can resell the ticket if the resell option is activated by following the steps below  :

1-Download Application from the Apple Store/Google Play.

2-Login to your account through the application by entering your email address and password

3-Tapping on the " bookings" icon located at the bottom of the application.

4-Select the tickets you want to resell 

5- Click on the "Resell Ticket" option. 


 you can send the tickets to your friends or family by following the steps below  :

1-Download Application from the Apple Store/Google Play.

2-Login to your account through the application by entering your email address and password

3-Tapping on the " bookings" icon located at the bottom of the application.

4-Selecting the tickets you want, click on “send”

5-Add the required details for the recipient's user correctly (name -email). 

6-Click on the "Send Ticket" option.

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