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How Can I Create an Account?

  •  Download Application from the App Store/Google Play/App Gallery.
  •  Click on "Log in/sign up" and then "Sign up."
  • Fill out the required fields (first name, last name, email, password, phone number).
  • Ensure your email is correct, and your phone number is not linked to any other account. whereas according to the user obligations ”the user acknowledges that he has only one account for booking and purchasing and that all data entered and registered in the user’s account is his correct and updated information”
  • Agree to the terms and conditions, then click "Next" to create your account.
  • Log in by entering the email and password you just created.

Note : The user undertakes and acknowledges that he has only one account for booking and purchasing and that all data entered and registered in the user’s account is his correct and updated information, and that this information is not tainted by any error or distortion, including contact and payment information, before, during and after the booking or purchase.

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